

Yu M OsipovOsipov Yury Mikhaylovich (09.09.1941) is a philosopher of economy, an economist, a philosopher, a historyosopher, a culturologist, a writer. Graduated from faculty of economics of MSU (1965), then postgraduate study of the same faculty (1971). Candidate (1973), doctor (1987) economic sciences, professor (1990). From 1971 to 2000 the teacher of department of political economy of faculty of economics. From 1984 to 1992 the deputy dean of the same faculty. In 1988 created and headed the laboratory of the comparative analysis of economic mechanisms transformed in 2000 to laboratory of philosophy of economy. Since 1991 the director of the Center of social sciences at MSU, the President of Academy of philosophy of economy (2009). He is a full and honorary member of domestic and foreign academies and scientific associations.

From 2003 to 2011 he is a member of scientific advisory council at the Chairman of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of Russian Federation.

He is a honored worker of science of the Russian Federation (2004).

He is a founder and a leader of scientific and educational school of the philosophy of economy which is going back the sources as to the S.N. Bulgakov’s doctoral dissertation «Philosophy of economy» protected at the Moscow university in 1912, also to the current of philosophical and economic thought which arose at the end of the XX century in MSU.

Yu.M. Osipov is an author of 18 monographs, hundreds of articles.

Yu.M. Osipov is an initiator, an organizer and a leader of numerous scientific and debatable actions, including six Small university forums held under the auspices of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of Russia from 2004 to 2013, and also the seminar which is constantly operating in MSU «Debatable problems of modern sociological and economic thought» (since 1992).

He is an author of the education guidance «Discipline of philosophy of economy» (2005) and «The approximate program of philosophy of economy» (2013).






119991, ГСП-1, Москва,

Ленинские горы, МГУ
3 учебный корпус,

экономический факультет,  

Лаборатория философии хозяйства,к. 331

Тел: +7 (495) 939-4183
Факс: +7 (495) 939-0877
E-mail:        lab.phil.ec@mail.ru


Апрель 2024
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